Shaolin Chan Meditation
Chan meditation is a seated exercise in silence. For more balance in life.
The basic idea of the Shaolin monks is CHAN, the philosophy known in the West as ZEN.
It has to do with courage, determination and the power of thought and action. It is an important means for monks who strive for higher spiritual development, meditation provides balance in life.
When meditating, the student learns to shield himself from external stimuli and to penetrate into levels of consciousness and feeling that are otherwise hidden.
The aim of meditation is to become master of one's thoughts and, above all, to be completely in the here and now. It means being fully aware of every thought and every action. This sounds much easier than it is.
This state should become part of everyday life. To carry out each of our actions in this mind. Meditation is therefore not something that should be limited to a small part of the day in a certain posture or a certain room.
Everything arises in your own mind, positive or negative. The Shaolin monks teach us to sort it out and "put it in order".
If you have any questions about meditation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions about Meditation or you want to learn it?
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.
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